Friday, May 23, 2008

Causeway tour

We took a 7 hour roundtrip to numerous cities along the coast line north. One of the great scenary places was the causeway. This consisted of hexagonal stones everywhere on the sea shore.


We arrived by train at 5:30 pm in belfast. After getting off the train the bus took us into town centre-it was included in the train fare.

The vast majority of stores close early in the evening--8pm. We took a long hike to our hostel. Our room had 20 beds (10 doubles). We all had to share 2 bathrooms and one shower.

It was still light out so we walked around town--and walked some more. On our way to the harbor we were visited by a happy manchester united soccer fan from the previous night--he was a bit tipsy and was singing their chants.

Along the waters edge is the famous large ceramic fish. We took a walk across the waterway to have a great view of the city by the city lights.

We headed back to our hostel for a much needed sleep.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


toured Dublin-walked about 5 miles

we watched champions league match-soccer b/w two u.k. teams at pub. I had fish and chips(fries).

catch a train to Belfast @ 3pm.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

day one

One the way out the door--yesterday we went to manchester, liverpool and bangor wales. Today off to dublin.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Just a few days till departure

My brother and I have decided to backpack through England, Wales and Ireland. We are just taking a bookbag of clothes and necessities for a week long journey. Our iternary is as follows (for now atleast). I will arrive in Manchestor, UK on Tuesday morning where I will be picked up by Mark and his missions leader. We will then drive to Bangor, Wales where we will spend the night. The very next morning (bright early I might add) we will aboard a ferry for Dublin, Ireland. We will tour the city and spend the night and then depart for Belfast, Ireland Thursday afternoon. After spending two nights in Belfast our adventure will so be over but not before a flight to Manchestor to spend the night before I fly home to the US the next morning.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Preparations for Departure

I have the opportunity to visit my brother who is working as a business missionary in Wales, UK for 10 weeks. I will be spending a week wondering, exploring and enjoying Wales. I am planning to visit Dublin, Ireland as well.